So many games so little time...

Blah, blah, blah.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I've got a thing for Phil. It's true I can admit it. Ever since 1989 I've been simultaneously attracted and repulsed. Look, I grew up playing tennis. Really playing, seriously. I believe in the crisp whites, the honest calls, the quiet observers. Who was my favorite? Yup, John McEnroe. Something about the contrast between what should be and what is... not to mention his ability to back up all that bravado. Now, my joy in all things Phil makes perfect sense to me. Don't get me wrong, most shit talkers make my skin crawl 'cause they can't and don't back it up with wins.

I plan to someday sit next to Phil and bask in his light. Then I'm gonna win. ;)


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