So many games so little time...

Blah, blah, blah.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


In an attempt to make sure the POKER TOUR banner is in site I've totally jacked up my blog. Oh well.

So about the WSOP. I'm gonna go find out how I can play Omaha in next years event. What I've learned about myself recently is that I can conceptualize 7 card and Omaha in ways that I can't Texas hold 'em. Something just isn't clicking for me with that game. I do trust in the learnign curve and hope it comes soon. Til then, I keep winning at the other games.

Dammit, I just tuyped this long ass post and now I can't post anything except the POKERTOUR banner.

Oy, I may be a lost cause.

For the life of me I still can't get the POKERTOUR banner to stay in my setting. It very frustrating and I'm unable to get any help that makes sense to me. Oh well, I tried.

The poker tour's last tourny of the season is in a couple of hours. I'm ready to roll.

Ok, I'm off to research WSOP registration. ;) O H/L here I come!

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006


SO, this weekend is no longer an OH/L, which sucks. Ok, it doesn't suck but it is my favorite game. In fact, I'm playing my 4th sit & go over at Absolute as I write this. Ah, multitasking! ;)

Prediction for this Saturday...
I knock out the host and make the finals. Oh, a gal can dream right?!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lord hep me!


The next tourny if OH/L! This is a game I love. I can't wait to play!

Question though... why the hell can't I get the banner to fit in that window where it says 'blah,blah,blah'?

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